What is Lyx?
LyX is an excellent tool for writing scientific papers. LyX is an almost-WYSIWYG editor which serves as a front-end for LaTeX. Like any word processor, you don't need to worry about how to format and style your documents when using LyX.
LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux and the Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.
How to install Lyx?
LyX is available for free from www.lyx.org. Although originally wirtten for Unix-like platforms (such as Linux), it is available for a number of platforms including IBM OS/2, Macintosh OSX, and Windows. The LyX download page contains links to information about installation on various platforms.
For Ubuntu users, it is easy to install this tool with the following command.sudo aptitude install lyx
What is Apache?Apache is a freely available Web Server that is distributed under an "open source" license. The current version of Apache is 2.2. More details can found at Apache Website. Now, we will move to next part to know how to install this service on Ubuntu Linux.
How to install Apache on Ubuntu Linux
Step 1: Open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)
Step2: Run the following line of code in your terminalsudo apt-get install apache2
Step 3: Check Apache installation to ensure that it's working well. Open any browser and enter the following line into the Address barhttp://localhost
You should see a folder entitled apache2-default/. Then, you click on that link, you will see a message saying "It works!". That means you have installed Apache 2.2 successfully. If it is not the case, you should go to Step 4 to start up Apache service.
Step 4: Start up Apache by executing the following line of code in your terminalsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
After that, you can do Step 3 again to make sure if your Apache is running!
That is the truth. Skype brings happiness to Linux users. After a long time, Skype finally has offered a new feature - video conference - for Linux users. A beta version of Skype 2.0 is available for downloading. Ubuntu Linux users can download a Debian package here . This package is used to install on Ubuntu Feisty but I have installed and tested successfully in Ubuntu Gutsy. Packages for other Linux distributions can be found here to download. Now is the time to evaluate about it's quality.For technical features and release notes, you can read on Skype for Linux page
Is Your OpenOffice.org 2.3 crashing in Ubuntu Gutsy?
11:28 PM | Add-on Application, Kubuntu Gutsy, Troubleshooting | 2 comments »As you know, OpenOffice.org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite. It is a free office suite in Ubuntu 7.10 with several improved features. Last month, I had to show you more than 80 free tutorials for creating and using documents, databases, spreadsheets, and presentations in OpenOffice.org. Today, I would like to tell with you what I have done to fix a bug in this office suite. Now let's go!
Applications > Office > OpenOffice.org Word Processor > Insert > Special Character
My God! What happen? Look at this screenshotMy OpenOffice.org 2.3 is crashing in Gutsy Gibbon. Look around and discover that this problem is somehow related to two packages (openoffice.org-gnome and openoffice.org-gtk)
The problem have been solved after I removed these packages.
sudo aptitude remove openoffice.org-gnome openoffice.org-gtk
Playing Streams and Podcasts in Amarok
9:04 PM | Add-on Application, Installation, Multimedia - Video | 2 comments »Double click on "BBC News" to add this stream to the playing list. Now we can hear "BBC Live News" streaming. You can enjoy with this list. You can also use Amarok to manage your podcasts. To add a new podcast to Playlists, just right click on the Podcasts folder or the Add button, and select Podcast. Then, you enter the podcast that you like.Amarok supports playing audio streams in MP3 and Ogg well. As the default you can see several radio streams of different stations under the Playlists browser. You can also add radio streams by right-clicking on the Radio Streams folder in the Playlists browser or the Add button at the top of the pane and adding the name and URL of the stream. For example, I want to add a new stream of BBC live news
Radio 2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/realmedia/fmg2.ram
Radio 3 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/ram/r3g2.ram
Radio 4 FM http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.ram
Radio 4 LW http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/lwg2.ram
Radio 5 Live http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive/live/surestream.ram
Radio 6 Music http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/ram/dsatg2.ram
Radio 7 http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbc7/realplayer/dsatg2.ram
Rating your songs in Amarok
8:03 PM | Add-on Application, Customising, How to, Multimedia - Video | 1 comments »From version 1.4, "Score" and "Rating" features are separated in Amarok. Score is calculated by amaroK, changes dynamically, while Rating is user-defined, and shown as gold stars. Now we will see how to play around with this feature.
At the default, you can't see the "Rating" function in the playing list. To show this feature in Amarok you go to Settings > Configure Amarok ... > General, then stick the field "Use Rating" and click "Apply" and "OK" button to agree your changes.
Now, you can see a new column at the right side. It will allow you to rate your songs by clicking to show gold starts as the following picture.VnTutor