Gutsy Gibbon released today!
You can download Gutsy Gibbon from Ubuntu site or Ubuntu mirrors. An Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy torrent can be downloaded directly here. However, if you are using Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn"), you can upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") easily via Update Manager.

Now, if you are a new user, you can have a look to see what I have done. It's easy to install in 7 steps.

  1. Start or install Ubuntu from live CD (18:59 -> 19:02)
  2. Click "Install" > select "English" language > click "Forward" > select region e.g. GMT+2 > click "Forward" (19:02 -> 19:04)
  3. Select "English" keyboard > click "Forward" (19:04 -> 19:05)
  4. Prepare disk space > select "manual" method > wait for scanning disk > create a "swap" partition (e.g. 512M) and an "ext3" patition (e.g. 40G) > click "Forward" (19:05 -> 19:07)
  5. Migrate documentation and settings > click "Forward" (19:07 -> 19:08)
  6. Create a new user > click "Forward" (19:08 -> 19:09)
  7. Click "Install" > wait for copying and configuring (19:09 -> 19:27)
So, after 28 minutes (from 18:59 to 19:27) Gutsy Gibbon is ready on my old notebook (CPU 1.3G). It's nice to see a world of free open sources.