sources.list is a package resource list used to locate archives of package distribution system. In Ubuntu, this control file is located in /etc/apt/sources.list to support APT for searching, updating, and installing packages. Each line is one separate source written in a given syntax.
You can customize this file by adding or removing any source you want. However, what is the problem if you are not sure how to modify it or currently your sources.list doesn't work well. You don't need to worry about that because you can use Ubuntu sources.list generator. With this generator you can create your own custom sources.list from various available sources. It takes only two simple steps. First, you select your country, Ubuntu version, and the architecture of your computer. Second, you take any repositories you like and click "Create sources.list" button to generate the content of your sources.list file. And I think that you know what to do then.


  1. Jex // 5/25/08, 10:03 PM  

    I just want you to know that the link
    < Ubuntu sources.list generator> is not working any more. I get the message:

    Helaas, de door U gevraagde pagina kon niet worden gevonden.

    Sorry, the page you requested could not be found.

    Is there another way to generate a sources.list for Ubuntu 8.04-amd64?