Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 will officially be released next month. A countdown clock for Gutsy day has been shown on VnTutor blog today. 10 new events are listed out to welcome Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon.

  1. Gutsy Gibbon release date is October 18th, 2007
  2. Ubuntu Gutsy offers GNOME 2.2
  3. There are various ideas for Gutsy wallpapers
  4. It is easy to upgrade Ubuntu from Feisty to Gutsy
  5. Ubuntu Gutsy supports desktop 3D effects using Compiz Fusion
  6. Ubuntu 7.10 provides a fast user switching
  7. Firefox plugins are available in Ubuntu Gutsy
  8. Ubuntu Gutsy gives a graphical configuration tool and a new printing system
  9. Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon allows us to install and boot from USB
  10. Link download may be activated here

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In Pictures website offers more than 80 online tutorials for beginners about creating and using documents, databases, spreadsheets, and presentations in OpenOffice.org

Writer 2.x Tutorials by examples

  1. Create a new document
  2. Cut, copy and paste
  3. Format words
  4. Format paragraphs
  5. Use bullets and numbering
  6. Adjust page settings
  7. Check spelling
  8. View pages
  9. Format text with styles
  10. Find and replace
  11. Set tabs
  12. Insert breaks
  13. Employ headers and footers
  14. Format pages in columns
  15. Employ drop caps
  16. Insert pictures
  17. Draw and paint
  18. Employ tables
  19. Employ templates
  20. Use the thesaurus
  21. Count words
  22. Insert a Table of Contents

Base 2.x Tutorials by examples

  1. Create a new database
  2. Create tables
  3. Create forms
  4. Create queries
  5. Create reports
  6. Modify tables
  7. Create new tables
  8. Specify data types
  9. Specify field properties
  10. Edit records
  11. Find records
  12. Sort and filter records
  13. Create table relationships
  14. Modify forms
  15. Add/delete records
  16. Edit records
  17. Find records
  18. Filter records
  19. Create queries
  20. Sort results
  21. Add criteria
  22. Employ Boolean operators
Calc 2.x Tutorials by examples
  1. Add
  2. Subtract
  3. Multiply
  4. Divide
  5. Calculate averages
  6. Find the maximum value
  7. Add
  8. Subtract
  9. Multiply
  10. Divide
  11. Calculate averages
  12. Find the maximum value
  13. Move, copy, and paste
  14. Add/delete columns
  15. Add/delete rows
  16. Employ multiple worksheets
  17. Employ AutoFill
  18. Insert/delete worksheets
  19. Create formulas across worksheets
  20. Employ absolute references
  21. Employ the function wizard
  22. Add notes
  23. Freeze panes
  24. Create charts

Impress 2.x by examples

  1. Create a slide
  2. Add new slides
  3. Insert pictures
  4. Format text
  5. Format pictures
  6. Preview a presentation
  7. Insert tables and charts
  8. Employ design templates
  9. Employ a master slide
  10. Rearrange slides
  11. Animate text
  12. Animate graphics
  13. Create slide transitions
  14. Advance slides automatically
  15. Add speaker notes
  16. Create handouts

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OpenOffice.org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite. It is a free office suite. A new version OpenOffice 2.3 is officially released today (September 17th, 2007) for Linux fans. OpenOffice 2.3 boasts of some improved features, that include the following:

  • New chart wizard, with support for 3D Charts
  • Revamped Toolbars
  • Export documents as Wiki pages on OpenOffice 2.3 Writer
  • Enhanced Autosum on OpenOffice 2.3 Calc
  • Report Builder on OpenOffice 2.3 Base
It can be downloaded from various official Open Office mirror sites. You can download it right now from this mirror. Then, you select “OpenOffice.org-2.3.0″ as the distribution, your platform and language. The following picture is my case.

Click on "Go" button to start downloading (136.6 MB).
The new release contains hundreds of bugfixes and enhancements. You can read more notes here to know what is new in this version. Try it while it's hot.

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